Saturday, May 27, 2006

Canal Street / Princess Street

Canal Street / Princess Street

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A colourful little space invader, bigger than most, which I walked past hundrends of times before spotting.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

A natural selection

We flock to the city, attracted by that sort of culture and vibrancy which only seems to spring up when people live piled on top of each other in their thousands or millions. But that urban edge comes with a price - as the people pile in the nature is squeezed out; we are removed from our natural habitat and we feel an ennui at its loss. And that's undoubtedly what motivated the artists below to bring a bit more sky, parrots and potted ferns into Manchester's grey corners.

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Friday, May 19, 2006

Hmmm writes!

I want to share with you the following missive I recieved from Hmmm.

"Hmmm has many guises and faces on and off the street. How glad I was to find an example of some scrawling I had done under the influence of somewonderful drug: Booze. Keep your eye and lens open as some more jollies should be hitting the northern qtr and beyond over the next month.


Oh, and some links Hmm sent links to some pictures too: Storm trooper and New Orleans.

Friday, May 12, 2006


Guero is Mexican slang for "white boy". It is also the title of Beck's latest record. I thought at first this was some corportate sponsored graffiti advertising the record, but it turns out it's about a little boy nicknamed Guero.
The artist has a flickr site at

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Tuesday, May 09, 2006

The ubiquitous 30dz

The ubiquitous 30dz
Originally uploaded by beatniksalad.

Right next to the mushroom feautured below, on the wall of a car park in the northern quarter

Sunday, May 07, 2006

Super Mario mushroom

Super Mario mushroom
Originally uploaded by beatniksalad.

Beer and murals

Four murals from local bars. (1) from the Cornerhouse, (2) from Rodeo (obviously), (3) Matt Sewell's mural from Common and (4) from the back yard at Space (put up during the 2005 "Eurocultured" festival I think).

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