Saturday, June 17, 2006

Long arms, short legs

Long arms, short legs
Originally uploaded by beatniksalad.

I think this is lovely. It can be found where the mancunian way passes over upper brook street.

The artist is called Hello. It looks a bit like Monsieur A, with its
long limbs at least.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Tea, Spliff, Tea & Spliff: a series of stencils from under the Mancunian Way

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Saturday, June 03, 2006

Eurocultured 2006

It has been suggested that they call "Eurocultured" as they do because there's more funding available for a festival of European cultural *stuff* than there might be for a free party with music and graffiti. I couldn't possibly comment on this.

Anyway, the street-artist roll-call included Rookie, San, Klit (photo 2 below), Ruse76 (who has decorated the cornerhouse window in the past, Matt Sewell who did the mural on the wall of Common, Dreph, Guy McKinley, and ooh loads more.

This year's festival was pretty rained out, especially on the Sunday, and the street artists were stop-starting with the showers. Browse all the photos on Flickr, there's some superb ones.

Here's my top 4. As ever, if you know who the artists are, let me know! Particularly the top one, which seems very familiar. Big love! It's God, looking at himself in a green-tinted mirror, in the bath, surely?

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