Brought to you by A Well-known Brand of Trainers

(See on Flickr)
Check the following links for more Bortusk Leer fun! I shall be on the lookout for more of these...
On Flickr this is the 9th photo of this particular wall. But hey, the lighting worked out well.
I think this is lovely. It can be found where the mancunian way passes over upper brook street.
The artist is called Hello. It looks a bit like Monsieur A, with its
long limbs at least.
A colourful little space invader, bigger than most, which I walked past hundrends of times before spotting.
Right next to the mushroom feautured below, on the wall of a car park in the northern quarter
The sqaure headed guy who says "hmmm" has long been a feature of the mancunian landscape. This one's on Oxford Road.
I quite like the square cows... the "click click" thing is a club night in Mnachester. It's supposed to be a rocket next to the speech bubble thing.
New wakefield street.